Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Post 2... Tea and Hagar Again

Hi there, so you are back. YAY!

 I'm really glad. Today I set up again at the bay window facing my back yard. 
I bought the cup and saucer in a thrift store. It's one of my favorites. And the cookies are lemon cookies that I bought from the girls scouts...they go great with tea. I hope you have your tea cup ready and have something yummy to nibble on. Ready to dive into the WORD? Lets go!

So back to Hagar, but this time its years and years later. By this time Abram's named was changed to Abraham and Sarai became Sarah.
        Sarah, finally became pregnant and gave birth to a son and they named him Isaac. After he was weaned they had a great party for him and Sarah saw that Ishmael was mocking. Sarah then insisted that he and his mother Hagar be sent away. Abraham was sad about it but it obliged and sent them away. He gave them food and water and sent them on their way. Hagar wandered in the dessert with her son and when they ran out of water she put her son under a bush and walked away because she did not want to witness him dying. There she began to sob. 

Genesis 21:17-21

1God heard the boy crying, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there. 18 Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for I will make him into a great nation.
19 Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.
20 God was with the boy as he grew up. He lived in the desert and became an archer. 21 While he was living in the Desert of Paran, his mother got a wife for him from Egypt.

Ok, so if your familiar with the story of Abraham and Sarah you may wonder why I'm concentrating on Hagar. I mean Abraham and his faith in God and his eventual obedience to God (Genesis 22) is what most people concentrate on when reading this whole story. So why then am I concentrating on the poor slave girl?
The answer is I find her story fascinating and familiar and sad and happy at the same time.  She didn't ask to be a mom, but she was made to be. She did what she was supposed to do but yet she was put out and abandoned. Twice she found herself at the end of her rope and desperate and twice God came to her and saved her and her son.
In my life there have been a few instances where I felt very very close to God. Once, when my husband was deployed with the military for a year, and second when I had cancer. 
Twice, I was at the end of my rope and twice just when I couldn't take the stress and sadness anymore...that is when I let go.
I remember fighting the feeling of absolute terror as every doctor's appointment brought more and more bad news. I tried to keep it together. I tried to keep control. It was to no avail. I felt tortured. It was only when one morning I was sitting at the edge of my bed I cried out to God..."Please take this burden from me! I cannot do this anymore, please carry this for me. I will give this to you because I can't bear it anymore."
Instantly I felt a weight lifted. I actually felt it.
He was there. He heard my cry. HE didn't miraculously take the cancer away that day, but HE comforted me and I knew HE was there. HE gave me a strength that I knew I didn't have before. It was only when I completely let go did I feel God...really feel HIS presence.

Every time I read Hagar's story I wonder if she knew how special it was to have that connection with God not once but twice. Did she feel closer to God?
How many times do we take it upon ourselves and not trust God completely? How many times do we hear that God loves us and cares for us, but when things happen that shake our very body and soul we doubt HE will. We take back the control and try to handle it ourselves. Do we not think we're worthy? Do we trust Him with some, but not all?
The answer is yes, we are human and fallible. We have short memories and are scared of the unknown....Ah but when we know HIM...When we know HIM.... something changes. HE gives us a comfort, and assurance nothing NO ONE else can give. I have witnesses people experience the worst, unimaginable tragedies and lean on God and Trust HIM. I have seen a strength and will in them that can  only be described as heaven sent.
I love that the Bible tells us "20 God was with the boy as he grew up." What a comfort that must have been to Hagar! I think that is so important to know! God is not here one day gone the next. HE is always there. 

What is your take on this story and verses? Do you see anything different? How does this story connect with you? or not? Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you cried out to God? Did you find strength in doing so?
I hope you feel God's love today, because HE DOES LOVE YOU!

Have a beautiful day

Blessings, Joanne

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